What do You Need????

We want to thank everyone who has sent us notes, messages, texts or even talked to us in person!! We have heard your requests to post more and we will do just that! We want to hear from you guys though...what are you up to? What are your questions? What do you want to hear more of? What do you Need???

Just to re-cap, we have been very busy! I (Jess) have just been busy with my older kids and of course with a new baby! Our little Squishy is now 6 months old and crazy enough...we are starting to try for our 4th and last child!! On top of that, I was training crazy for Ironman Coeur d'Alene which I completed on June 29th. I can easily say that it is the hardest race I have ever done. I trained really hard and had some big goals I wanted to accomplish. The day ended up being a VERY windy one...isn't that the way it goes. So I adjusted what I came there to do and felt that I did everything I could that day!  cards were against me (you know some girl stuff...what are the chances of that...first since baby and it hit me the day before IM) but I pushed through and finished!!

Debbie and I also went back to run Boston. It was a good experience for us after being there last year during the bombing! It was so good to see the city alive and people all along the course spectating and cheering us on. The crowd this year was unbelievable and definitely UNFORGETABLE!!!

Debbie has also had some racing experiences that she will have to share...I can't put her words in my mouth. But she is off at Girl's Camp this week so it will have to wait! She also just turned 40 so I don't know if she has anything to add about that...I think mentally she went through an adjustment but that chicka is so strong and wicked fast. She amazes me!!

We are both planning to run St. George Marathon so the training has begun for that. Who else is running it? What else are you guys training for?

We are happy to be back and can't wait to hear from you also!!!


  1. Do you breast feed? If so any tips of what you do to keep your milk supply up while training for big races? I have a 3 month old and am worried about that 😁

    1. I found that water was my biggest Allie and any caffeinated beverage wasn't great for me! I would try and drink 10-15 glasses of water everyday. Then of course, make sure you are eating enough of the right foods! I will put together a post of what foods are best but my diet consisted of lots of Salmon,

  2. Brown rice, Eggs, bananas, whole wheat bread (the yeast is good), Salads and oatmeal. One of my favorite snacks is carrots and guacamole! Like I said, I will put together a whole write up this week!



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*Monday Meals*
*Tuesday Tips*
*Wednesday Whatever*
*Thursday Training*
*Friday Features*

*Saturday Spotlight* (Occasionally)

If you have specific things you want us to talk about, email 4corefit@gmail.com

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Email us at 4corefit@gmail.com.
Have a great day!