Fueling For Success...Plus a GIVEAWAY!!!

We have all seen all the variety of nutritional supplements in running stores, expos, magazines, online, etc. There are gels, energy bars, sports drinks, etc and all of them promise they can help you run faster and longer and stronger.
When we are talking fueling in racing or training, know that as a general rule of thumb, if you jog for 30 minutes, you only need to drink water. If you are running any longer than an hour, you need carbohydrates. This is because your body's blood glucose and glycogen (muscle carbohydrate stores) become depleted in as little as 60 minutes. Studies have shown that the quick-digesting carbs in energy products boost blood glucose and help spare muscle glycogen during a long run. Basically you get an energy jolt that helps you keep running. But with so many options, what should you consume? That is the magic question...basically it is by trial and error. Try different things and figure out what works for you.

How much should you consume? Here is an example of steps you should take to figure out how many calories you should be consuming when racing!

Step 1: Trent's calorie burn each mile:
0.63 x 195 lbs = 122.8 calories/mile

Step 2: Trent's goal marathon pace:
Trent's goal marathon pace is a 3:45 which is 8:35 per mile. This means he'll be running 7.00 miles per hour.

Step 3: Trent's hourly expenditure based on his goal marathon pace:
7.00 miles per hour x 122.8 calories per mile = 859.6 calories burned per hour

Step 4: Goal calorie replacement during of racing:
0.3 x 859.6 calories = 257.8 calories/hour

Step 5: Trent's calorie replacement:
The first 30-45 minutes of the marathon, Trent would have fueled before hand. So he needs to plan on having enough nutrition for 3 hours. He needs to carry with him 3 x 257.8 which will be 773.4. We will round out and be safe and have him carry 800 calories to fuel during the race.

Many people have asked what we use to fuel. In training we will use jelly beans or honey stinger chomps occasionally, but for the most part we have switched to a liquid carbohydrate called CarboPro. CarboPro is 100% pure complex carbs that has a neutral flavor. It dissolves quickly in any fluid. One scoop of CarboPro is 100 calories. You simply add as many calories as you need to your bottle and off you go. It is the perfect source of calories for us. It is easy to carry, so easy to digest and just simplifies our nutrition needs during a race.

In addition to CarboPro, we use another one of their products during racing which is MetaSalt.  MetaSalt is the only Sodium supplement which provides Sodium as Sodium Chloride, Trisodium Phosphate and Sodium R-Lipoate, which work together to maintain the optimal metabolism of sodium to prevent dehydration and volume depletion. It also provides other electrolytes which combined provide increased Hydration, Energy and Efficiency during exercise. During a marathon we take about 2/hour. We also take 2 right before and then 2 right after to help our body regulate and maintain normal electrolyte levels!

We also have added their other products to our daily and pre-race regimen. The Recovery is your essential Amino Acids that help muscles recover faster, reduces muscle soreness, increases stamina and power and so much more! The Vo2 Max Endurance is one you take 30 mins before exercise for increased endurance, strength and power...it is awesome sauce!! And then the Motivator! It does just that...motivates, and gives energy! We also use InterPhase, which is similar to Recovery and just provides Amino Acids for muscle recovery and is a good source of protein for post workout!!

One more thing to add with fueling during a race...always drink water. Just because we have a liquid carbohydrate, we still take a cup of water through every aid station at least through 2/3 of the race. Towards the end...whatever you need to get you through. But especially in a marathon, do not pass up the first few aid stations of water because you feel good...your body will need that hydration in the next hour so start early and feel great the whole way through!!!

Now for the fun...a GIVEAWAY!!! Enter below to score our favorite products from CarboPro and give them a try for yourself!!! Contest will end Friday, October 3rd at Midnight! Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I think both products would be really useful but the CarboPro is probably what I'd choose first!
    That fueling equation is awesome...I'm going to plug in my numbers for sure!

    1. Let us know what you find out and how close you were with your fueling before...we were both way off when we first started racing!!

  2. Super interested in CarboPro first but also the MetaSalt sounds interesting...
    Also GOOD LUCK LADIES on ST George. I cant wait to cheer for ya Debbie, from NY.

    1. Thank you so much!! Getting excited...can't believe it is only 3+ days away!!!

  3. I would love to try either of these products. I am also interested in the Motivator.

    1. The products are all awesome! And the motivator...it really is total Awesome sauce!!

  4. I am interested in trying Carb Pro but really all of your suggested products have caught my interest. Love your blog and get email and Facebook updates!

    1. Tami...it really is awesome stuff. We both just raced with it today and it is awesome sauce!!

  5. Salt! I've never raced or trained with it because I didn't know enough about it! Get in my belly!

    1. We can't believe you have never trained with salt...we need to chat!! It will change your racing!

  6. Replies
    1. Yay!! You will love it! Such easy fueling. I honestly feel that fuelling correctly is one of the hardest things with marathon racing!

  7. Such cool info! Thanks! I'm excited to try the Vo2 Max Endurance. I would love to work harder longer. Sounds fun!

    1. It really is as awesome as it sounds. I can feel a total difference on workouts where I have taken it and where I have not. I don't use it on all my workouts but the longer, harder ones...it is a no brainer!

  8. Wow I've been looking for new ways to fuel that won't make me sick like Gu does. Excited to try this!

  9. Just wondering if it is a pain racing with a fuel belt to carry all the carbopro??

    1. I used to hate running with anything at all...including a belt. However, I have trained with it and so it isn't a pain to me. Having the nutrition I know that works for me is worth it. Plus the fuel belt I carry from Fitletic is amazing. And with carbopro I can add the calories I need to the bottles so I never carry more than 2 6-oz bottles during a marathon. I hope this helps!

  10. HI! Do you use these products daily when you are training or just during race day? Currently I have been using Advocare products Such as spark and catalyst before I run. It does help make for a great run but I'm really interested in trying these products. I find that I suffer on longer run with my endurance and I really think it has to do with my salt intake.

    1. We use them on any day we are training for longer than 1:30:00. And sometimes on shorter days if it is really hot outside or we have done a 2-a-day type workout. Where are you at? We will be holding a nutrition seminar early September if you are in the Wasatch Front Area of Utah, we would love for you to come and attend.

  11. Hi! Wish I could attend! I'm in Ohio. During your training, Do you fill your water bottles with the carbpro and use that as your hydration? Or just when you need energy? I normally use gels every 5 miles but it makes me sick. Would I replace them with the carbopro? What about when you need water? Do You drink the carbopro or just water stations? Hope that makes sense?

    1. Sorry for the late response...we hate that we missed this. Send us an email at 4corefit@gmail.com and we would love to talk more with you!



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