Carbs: To Mix or Nix??

Okay, for the last however many years carbohydrates have been accused of a list of things against humans, including making us fat! Yep! Those carbs...they have been labeled as evil! In defense of carbs, they have got that name because we spend our time filling our bellies with breads, chips, crackers, pastas all made from refined flour that has been processed so much it is left with 1/1000 of its nutritional content!! I apologize in advance if this post takes us back to a science class...but I may get a little technical but there is stuff to learn from it. The trend lately is carb-free, paleo, gluten-free...not that there is anything wrong with this...I am just going to list a few things to consider with carbs. And remember, this will not be as simple as having a pantry full of bagels and sports are what the right kind of carbs can do for athletes. And you can still eat carbs and be a "clean" eater!

1.  Carbs can make you speedier, smarter and may help you get leaner.
Before you think...what the heck? You are crazy! Researchers have found that when carbohydrates pass over the receptors in the mouth, reward centers lite up in the brain, which in turn provide the push necessary to go harder, faster, longer. In other words, your brain knows fuel is on the way so it gives the okay to the legs, body, mind to keep cranking away and not to consume energy.

What happens when you ingest carbs? Your body uses it to make glucose...this is the fuel that drives any athletic performance. Glucose also helps fuel your immune system, enhances your fuel absorption so you stay better hydrated, and is even helpful with muscle recovery. In fact, if you fail to feed your body the carbs it needs and continue to push your workouts, your body will begin to generate carbs by breaking down muscle tissue. Who wants that? Don't we workout out to build up muscle. Lastly, your brain needs carbs to think. The brain gobbles them up! So sometimes when we mentally break down, hit a wall, bonk...yes our bodies don't have the nutrition it needs but our minds we just CRACK!!!!

2) Simple vs. Complex...The time and place for each!
We were taught in school there are two types of carbs, complex and simple. What is the difference? Simple carbs are made from 1 or 2 sugars such as fructose or glucose. They are found in most of your sweeteners. Your body is able to break these down quickly. Some foods that fall into this category because they are so refined and processed are white bread, white pasta, cakes, cookies. These are all "quick" carbs because the body can break them down quickly. These carbs get a bad rap because they cause our blood sugar to rise and fall quickly which will promote weight gain and over eating! But these have a place before and during workouts when your body needs quick energy.

Complex carbs are made from more than two sugars and the body takes longer to digest these! These carbs tend to contain more fiber which also helps to slow digestion and keep blood sugar more consistent.  About 50% of your diet should come from carbs, especially complex carbs which include things like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. These are your whole foods, healthy mostly these.

For me 90% of the time I am consuming Complex Carbs. However, race week or possibly the day before a really hard workout, I consume more Simple Carbs, including white bread, white rice, etc. so my body can get that quick energy effect and my digestion system will be not working as hard! I have found this works for me!

3) Fuel the Brain, Avoid the BONK!! 
Studies show that in an endurance event or workout you need to fuel no longer than 45 minutes into your workout to maintain the same intensity. (I start fueling 30 mins into my races, to totally avoid the bonk altogether!) One of the most greedy, carb loving thing in our bodies is our brain. It monitors your fuel levels and your speed kind of like a gas gauge does in a car. If it perceives it is on empty or coming up on empty it will give your body a warning will start to feel the bonk. Your body will start shutting down before you actually hit empty. Even when you "bonk" you still have glycogen to spare but your brain won't let you run the tank dry. Experts have even gone on to say that if your brain senses your levels are lower than normal, it may not let you go out full throttle, even if you want it to. There will be a governor on your speed. So what do we do? Figure our what your body needs to keep your tank topped off so you start strong, stay strong and finish strong. Carbs are your key to this...but always remember...the right kind of carbs for this situation.

4) Gluten Free DOES NOT equal Grain Free
The trend right now is wheat-free so good bye pasta and bread. Why? Because Gluten, a protein found in wheat grain, might interfere with your digestion. Ever since people started saying this, people everywhere have just cold turkey ditched this stuff. What are they doing instead? Going out and purchasing "Gluten-Free" foods such as scones, cookies, crackers and breads that are all highly processed foods filled with other additives and processed grains that aren't any better for them than wheat bread would have been. If you are going to make this change, swap out the Gluten for gluten-free grains such as Rice, Oats and Quinoa.

I believe there are legitimate reasons to give up gluten such as Celia Disease or Wheat Allergies. A doctor can test you for these and let you know the best route to take. Or if you are sensitive to gluten, test it out and stop eating it to see if you feel any better. But the bottom line is  that athletes who have no symptoms from gluten likely won't see any performance gains from giving up on them. In fact, they will be missing out on the slow burning carbs and nutrients that wheat can provide, especially in the whole grain variety.

I know this may be totally against what you believe or practice but it is just something to consider. I myself, on a daily basis, consume more rice, quinoa, vegetables, fruit, etc than I do the wheat variety or simple carbs. But I do know that the way I train my body, push body, push my limits and the goals that I want to achieve...I need carbs. Take a look at your diet and the way you are feeling and see what your body needs to get you to where you want to be.

One other thing with diet...MODERATION!!! I don't tend to "restrict" things from my diet. I eat things in moderation and I enjoy food. I have found what works for me and that is what I am sticking with until it doesn't work anymore. Do the same for you, your body and your mind!!



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