One Week Nutrition at a Glance....

We have got an overwhelming response of people who would like to see a sample menu of what we try to eat everyday. Before I post this, I need to add a disclaimer on a few things:

  1. We are not nutritionists.
  2. This is not a weight loss plan.
  3. This is not gluten, carb or anything free.
  4. These are all food items that our families will eat. We don't prepare separate meals for different people within our households!
  5. This is just a sample and we still make adjustments where needed. You will have to do the same thing.
  6. To see the different serving sizes you should be eating, visit a resource like to see what your nutritional needs are.
  7. We are training endurance athletes. We push our bodies pretty hard so we like to fuel pretty hard too!
 As you are deciding on your nutritional needs, be sure to pay attention to your body, your energy level and make adjustments as needed. For us, we believe food is fuel. That is how we look at it. We don't count calories, we just want to eat what we need to so our bodies will respond the way we need them to!

If you have any specific questions, please contact us. We love to hear from you!
And remember yesterday's FOOD fuels today's EXERCISE which builds tomorrow's BODY!!!!

What is one of your favorite healthy go to dinners
that your family loves?


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