Thursday Training: 30 Day Ab/Glute Challenge

Sorry this is a bit late...we wanted to do a 30 day challenge but better late than never. We did the Ab Challenge in March and thought it would be good to do add some glutes to that it is almost summer, swim suit and outside season. Everyone wears less clothes so we want to tone and tighten things up a bit!

How did everyone do with the ab challenge? If you didnt' get a chance to join us, check it out aybe find another month to do  it! Or join us for this next challenge which will combine abs and glutes.

Debbie talked about the importance of continuing and always including your strength training into your workout regimen here. We know it is coming up on racing season, summer, etc. so be sure to at least make sure you are doing something to keep your core strength. Core strength is essential to everything we do. When we thing core, we normally think abs. However, core is abs, back, glutes, hip flexors...all the central parts of our body that controls so much of our movement. This challenge will help you to continue to strengthen your core!

So we put together an ab/squat challenge. These squats can be done with your own body weight or if you want to give yourself a challenge for all or some of them, pick up some handweights to add some weight to your squat. It is set up as 6 days on-1 day off. So figure out whatever day you want as your rest day and start accordingly. I will be starting on Monday....after Boston...maybe I will be starting on Monday, April 22nd!! We will see! ;)
Day 1: 15 sit-ups, 15 push-ups, 20 sec plank, 50 squats
Day 2: 15 sit-ups, 15 push-ups, 30 sec plank, 55 squats
Day 3: 15 sit-ups, 15 push-ups, 30 sec plank, 60 squats
Day 4: 20 sit-ups, 15 push-ups, 30 sec plank, 70 squats
Day 5: 20 sit-ups, 15 push-ups, 35 sec plank, 75 squats
Day 6: 22 sit-ups, 17 push-ups, 35 sec plank, 80 squats
Day 7: REST
Day 8: 25 sit-ups, 17 push-ups, 40 sec plank, 85 squats
Day 9: 25 sit-ups, 17 push-ups, 45 sec plank, 95 squats
Day 10: 30 sit-ups, 17 push-ups, 45 sec plank, 100 squats
Day 11: 30 sit-ups, 17 push-ups, 50 sec plank, 110 squats
Day 12: 35 sit-ups, 17 push-ups, 55 sec plank, 120 squats
Day 13: 35 sit-ups, 17 push-ups, 55 sec plank, 125 squats
Day 14: REST
Day 15: 40 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 1:00 plank, 130 squats
Day 16: 40 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 1:00 plank, 135 squats
Day 17: 45 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 1:10 plank, 140 squats
Day 18: 45 sit-ups, 22 push-ups, 1:15 plank, 145 squats
Day 19: 50 sit-ups, 22 push-ups, 1:20 plank, 150 squats
Day 20: 50 sit-ups, 22 push-ups, 1:25 plank, 155 squats
Day 21: REST
Day 22: 50 sit-ups, 25 push-ups, 1:30 plank, 160 squats
Day 23: 55 sit-ups, 25 push--ups, 1:35 plank, 165 squats
Day 24:  60 sit-ups, 25 push-ups, 1:40 plank, 170 squats
Day 25: 60 sit-ups, 27 push-ups, 1:45 plank, 175 squats
Day 26: 65 sit-ups, 27 push-ups, 1:50 plank, 180 squats
Day 27: 70 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, 1:55 plank, 190 squats
Day 28: REST
Day 29: 70 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, 2:00 plank, 195 squats
Day 30: 75 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, 2:00 plank, 200 squats
Doing this each day will take about 5-10 mins. I acutally do them most days right before bed. This may not be the best time but I have found what works for me. And what is even better, is most nights my husband will join in with me to work on his core strength as well!!!
Doing it every day will help get the results you are looking for!
So who is going to join us?
Keep us posted on how things are going over the next 30 days!!
Next 30 day challenge we add in more to the mix so be prepared!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am in! Just set an alarm on my phone- 4:45 every day!

  3. I am in! I loved the march challenge and an excited to do another one

  4. I just have 1 question: what happens after day 30? Do i go back to day 1 or continue with the next 30 days with the day 30 exercise?

    1. Continue what you have been doing, possibly repeat the last week and then build slowly if you want to build more. Or continue with what you have built to maintain the shape your body has taken on!



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