Thursday-Track Day

We are about 3 or so weeks away from St George so the workouts have stepped up a notch! Today was track and it was some good ones! We want to share what we did so you can get some ideas about what to do! 

Debbie's Workout

15 minute Warm-Up.
She knew what was coming so was chill on the warm up.
After her legs were warm she did the following...800's baby!!!!
12 x 800 on 2:55. 
After each take a Full 2:00 recovery.
10 minute Warm Down.

I asked Debbie what advice she would give to someone when attempting to do this 800 workout! One thing she said is that you need to focus on negative splitting, this means the first half slower than the second half, on these repeats! If you went out too fast in the first 200-400, you will fall apart your second time around! You need to learn to pace yourself on the track! Also, stick to your target pace. You may feel good your first few repeats and want to push your pace! An additional 5 seconds ahead of your target pace makes a huge difference on the second half. One last thing, if you are new to speed work on the track please don't try to just go out and bust out 12-800's your first time. You will be begging for an injury! Start with 4-6 and see how you feel! 

Jess's Workout

My workout was still intense, just not 800's. I did 300's and compared to 800's...these are fun!!!! But they are still hard because you are pushing incredibly fast paces and your recovery is less. Here is what I did:

15 minute Warm Up
24x300 on 1:03
Rest of the distance of the lap on the track was a light jog recovery! 
After 5 I would take a full 1:00 recovery and grab water! 
10 minute Warm Down.

Like I said, the shorter distance can be tough because you want to go out faster than you should! Pace yourself...because they are shorter you can do more ! But more repeats means more time to exhaust yourself. These are also great for someone just starting out! Try doing 15 of them or even take it down to 200 and use the same format. 

Track is fun and it hurts but it is so rewarding! If you want to get faster and stronger...hit the track! You WILL reap the benefits!!! 

Has anyone else been hitting the track or doing speed work? What is your favorite distance? 



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