5 Tips to a Better & Healthy Year

We love how January is a time of reflection of how the past year went and a great time to focus on what the future year holds!  A great time to Start New habits and let go of the old ones. Don't be afraid to start...and do it today. Don't put it off until tomorrow!!

It is a new year and we have a few tips on making this year a better one for YOU!!!

1) Trust your Body!
What do we mean? We are way too critical about ourselves. We want to weigh a certain number or have a certain percentage of body fat. Our bodies are amazing things and will find the place where it needs to be if we eat right and exercise. Make sure your body has what it needs in order to accomplish the goals that you want to do. A distance runner can't have the diet of a body builder...align your goals with your diet and workouts. Trust your body and learn to listen to your body with what it needs and wants. Reward yourself and just feel great!

A great example of allowing our bodies to do what it needs is me right now! See the picture below...the left side is me 20 weeks pregnant with my baby who is almost a year old. The right picture is me right now, 16 weeks pregnant with my baby that is due in June.

My body is responding to this pregnancy totally different. I am showing sooner, bigger than my previous pregnancies but I feel great. I feel strong. I don't care about how big I am or how much weight I have gained. I trust my body to do what it needs to do in order to have a strong, healthy baby and meet the demands that I put on it with running, exercise and life in general!

One of the greatest things we can learn to do is to be in tune with our bodies!!! Make that a goal if you aren't already!

2) Change NO to YES!!!
When we resolve to lose weight or get healthy, we almost immediately cut out major food groups. We tell ourselves that we can not have candy, desserts, or carbohydrates. This thinking sets us up for failure. It is much wiser  to say "Yes! I can have a dessert but only on the weekend or special occasion." Or even have these items as rewards. Don't completely remove something because your mind instantly craves that the minute you say NO! Instead of deprivation, learn to practice moderation!

3) Make Time for YOU!!
Adjust your focus. As a mother I have a home to manage, kids to care for, food to cook, laundry to do, errands to run, etc. I have a million reasons to put me last and forget about working out. But I MAKE TIME!! There is a sacrifice that comes when you make time for you...sacrifice of something. In my case, it is mostly sleep! But I am better al life when I feel good inside. I feel good when I workout and eat right. Find and make time for what you want! Make you "CENTER" for a few hours a day! It makes such a difference!

4) End the Negative Talk & Thoughts.

We all beat ourselves up from time to time. The more we tell ourselves negative things, the more we begin to believe it. Focus on the good in yourself and everything around you. It is amazing that you will truly find what you are looking for and accomplish what you believe!

5) Drink More Water.
We have heard this many times and seems simple. However, many people just choose not to do this. We drink sugary sodas, juices, etc. instead of water! Make a change because drinking water is a key ingredient in staying healthy!

What are your goals this year? What changes will you make? We want to know!

Also, we have a new email!! 4corefit@gmail.com so feel free to email us anytime with questions you may!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2015 is going to be an awesome one!!!


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