Recovery...We all need it!

I tend to push and push and push my body and sometimes forget to recognize the importance of a good recovery day. After pushing for so long, one day I wake up tired, mentally drained and don't want to move out of my bed. Don't do what I better and include some recovery in your weekly workout regimen. Hard training and racing puts tremendous stress on your body! If you want to have positive results in each workout and bounce back quicker, you have to be strategic about your recovery and make sure you do it!

Whenever I think of recovery I think about something that was shared with me a long time ago...The 3 C's! CHOW, CHUG & CHILL!!!

First, let's talk CHOW!! This means eat! Think of food as fuel. Starting a training program is no time to start a diet program. Begin a healthy lifestyle and fuel your body with what it needs to be able to perform in the way that you want it to!! FOOD IS FUEL!!! You decide what type you want...Unleaded or Premium!

Yesterday we shared some tips on Nutrition. Nutrition plays a huge role in recovery. Between 30 mins-2 hours after finishing you want to make sure to ingest more complex carbs and protein. A favorite of mine is a shake, you can find the recipe here. Make sure you are planning your nutrition right and getting your body what it needs in a timely manner. For tips, you can click here.

Next is CHUG!!! Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! No matter how slow you go, or how long you pushed, your body will be dehydrated after a good, solid workout. Drink water or if you need it, grab some gatorade or other type of drink to help replenish electrolytes. When you are hydrated your muscles can heal and recover faster!!

Now you get to CHILL!! What does chill mean? Here are some things that I really enjoy for my recovery!
  • Compression. Studies have found that athletes can improve the time of recovery and efficiency by wearing compression items. My favorite is the CEP Compression socks. In fact, I even wear them when I fly whether or not I had a hard workout. I figure it never hurts to keep the blood flowing!
  • Ice Bath. This has been used since ancient times, I swear.Cold water and ice is a cheap way to reduce inflammation and immediate soreness. You want the water approximately 55 degrees F to be most affective! It also may be ideal to wear compression right after and then ice about 2-3 hours after for 10-15 mins.

  • Massage. This is my favorite one! I love massages. And to tell you the truth, I like massages that hurt. If they are too soft, I start to feel anxious like I am wasting my time because the massage isn't doing much for my muscle recovery...when in reality it probably is I just have a mental block! :)  The best time for a massage is about 3 hours after a good, solid workout or race. You can also massage at home. Two things I love to use at my home is a foam roller and The stick. These work wonders to help keep muscles loose and healthy.

  • Active Recovery. Research has shown that active recovery can "flush" the body of lactic acid in the early phases. What is considered active recovery? An easy spin on the bike or a short, low-intensity run are perfect.

  • REST! There is no substitution in recovery for good sleep! During sleep is when your body actively repairs itself. We need sleep!!!!
Probably the most imporatant thing to remember is to listen to your body. Your enthusiasm and drive may push you to start training harder and sooner than your body wants...if this is the case, take another easy day and try again tomorrow!! If you treat your body well, it will perform well for you when you need it to!!

***What is your favorite form of recovery??? What is your favorite recovery food?***


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