Motivation...What is Yours???

"80% of success is showing up." --Woody Allen
I am in Hawaii right now and woke up this morning to get my workout in, only to find that I had NO desire to do so.  So, in order to motivate myself, I am writing today on how to motivate yourself...

How do you find motivation to exercise when you just don’t feel like getting out of your pajamas, or out of bed or out of your house? I ask myself this question every now and then, and I have the feeling I’m not the only one...

Sometimes I think that I should be so regimented that working out should just come easy. What I have discovered is everyone needs motivation from time to time. Here are some ways that I have found to help motivate me on those days where I just don't want to!!

1) Move the Alarm Clock. Morning workouts can be brutal. For me, with 2 little kids, that is usually when I have to get it in. I have a lot of EARLY mornings! I have found that if I move my alarm clock from right by my bed so when the alarm rings in the morning instead of rolling over and hitting snooze, I have to get out of bed to turn it off!!

2) Make a Date. We have mentioned this before, but have a workout buddy!! Having a workout routine buddy is a great motivator. Make plans to meet your friends at the gym at 6 a.m. or at a certain place to run. You’re less likely to poop out if you know someone is waiting for you.

3) Have a Set Goal. For me, I schedule races. I know that I need to put the time in and the training if I want to be successful at those events. It is easier for me to stay motivated with an end goal in sight.

4) Make Plans & Preparations. Make a plan for your week of your workouts. It is so much easier everyday to know what you are doing ahead of time instead of waking up and trying to figure it out then. I use an online program called It is great to record your workouts and all the did it go, what was your pace, how did you feel, etc. I have also started to record my excuses if I didn't go. That way at the end of the week I can go and evaluate and see what I need to do on those "excuse" days to better motivate myself! Record keeping and planning is essential in success!!

Also, lay out your clothes or get your gym bag ready the night before. Then it is less things you need to do the next day and the more time you can be focused on just getting out the door!

5) Reward Yourself and your Efforts.  If you meet your exercise goals, whatever they are, be sure to do something nice for yourself at the end of the week. For example, go get a pedicure, see a movie with a friend, go to dinner with the hubby, have a cupcake or in my case a sugar cookie, buy a new workout outfit, take a well deserved bubble bath--find whatever works for you and use it to give you that extra push!!!

I saw something on a segment on The Daily Dish where you put money in a jar every time you made healthy choices. It was very similar to a "swear jar" but for healthy choices!! This is a fun way of rewarding yourself too. If you choose to eat healthy, put money in a jar. You do your workout, put money in the jar. Pretty soon you have money because of all your good choices and you can go do or buy something fun!!

6) Look forward to Food. There are so many mornings where the last part of my workout is dreaming of my bowl of oatmeal or omelet when I get home. I workout hard, most of us do, so reward yourself with a satisfying breakfast or lunch or dinner. Choose things that are healthy and will re-fuel your body properly after your workout. My body loves this, craves it and motivates me to push a little harder towards the end of my workout!

7) Remember the feeling when you are Finished. Most days I feel so great when I am finished with a workout. I have more energy, I am more productive, I choose more healthy food options, I am HAPPIER!! This is my biggest motivator. Remembering how good I feel when it is done and how that feeling carries throughout my day!

I also try and remember my end goal and how great it will feel to cross that finish line. Right now my end goal is an Ironman in June...lots of days I don't want to put in the time but then I remember the feeling of crossing that finish line and it is AWESOME!!

Whatever your goals are, whatever you are training for just remember to get out there and move!!!

No matter how you are feeling...just get out and run. I love this saying below because I think I have ran every way that they have listed...but always I come out feeling better, stronger, happier, energized...
And ultimately just remember to enjoy the journey. Working out, running, racing, being a triathlete, swimmer, biker...whatever it are pushing your body to different limits. Keep pushing!!!

What are some things that motivate you?
Do you have any certain quotes that you look at for motivation? Want to share them??


  1. Awesome post Jess! Have a blast in Hawaii.
    Love - Ash

  2. I like the idea of keeping track of your excuses. I bet that will help me. Thanks for the good ideas.

  3. Love the idea of writing down excuses! I have several friends that have been doing the Six Pack March challenge with me. We all post on FB and check up on each other. It helps me a lot to know that I'm "accountable" to someone.

  4. My motivation is the feeling I get from exercising. Starting is the hardest, but once my foot is out of the door, there was never a time that I regretted working out. I always had the adrenaline rush no matter how great/not great my workout went.



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