Jess's Boston Marathon Recap

Debbie and I the day before the marathon at the Finish line!
The Boston Marathon...a runner's destination. This was my 3rd consecutive year traveling to Boston for the marathon. I knew this year would be different...I am pregnant. I have been doing everything the way I should my training runs in, watching my HR, consuming enough food, recovering...however, there is this variable of my body trying to create another human being. Sometimes workouts didn't go the way I exactly wanted because during this time while I am trying to still run, my baby...come first. If my body isn't feeling it, I don't push. Baby comes first...running second, which is a BIG change.

Before marathon time I made a promise to myself and my baby that my body would rule how this race went. In the back of my mind, I never imagined not finishing. I thought there was a good possibility that there could be A LOT of walking and it would be a slow day. But whatever the outcome I would embrace the moment I was in and celebrate the ability of my body to do the things I love. I am almost in my 8th month of pregnancy and every day things are different and everyday things get harder and harder.

Kids in a candy shop! Selfies with some players at Fenway!!
It comes time and we are Boston bound. Debbie and I had a great time. We spent Friday, Saturday & Sunday at Fenway. We watched the Red Sox play, sang Sweet Caroline, went and watched Batting Practice and were like kids in a candy shop at that ball park. Then when we could we made our way over to the expo to shop around and visit all the vendors and participate in the excitement of the marathon that was in the air. We made sure to stay hydrated and did some great carb loading...see below of 2 of our favorite meals while in Boston! We kept an eye on the weather but we knew it was Boston...things can always change. I have raced in windy conditions before and rainy so I was okay with what may come...never knew it would be as bad as it ended up being!

Breakfast buffet at the Marriot!
The Gobbler at Fenway!! Tradition!
Sunday night we ordered in salmon, rice and bread from Cheesecake Factory. We were in our hotel room early and just hanging out. We always have good laughs and just enjoyed relaxing. We had been on the go for 3 days having the time of our life in Boston! We got all our stuff ready and turned off the lights to try and get some sleep! It is always hard to sleep the night before the race...especially with all the unknowns about what the weather was going to bring in the morning. But this is what we face on...let's do this!
Race Outfit, nutrition and race morning bag all ready to go!
Monday morning...

Our alarm goes off at 5:00am and are up and getting ready for the day. We had everything ready the night before, including our 4 Peanut Butter and Honey sandwiches that we would eat as the morning went on. At 5:35am we leave our hotel and proceed to walk to where the buses were loading. It was a cold morning...cold and windy!

On our way for the buses!! We have LOTS of layers on!
We board the buses around 6:10 am and try to sit back and relax and try to ignore what is going on outside. We had a long time to just chill before we had to leave for our wave to start. Around 8:45 the rain starts to pour...oh no. I don't want to start this race wet/cold. We tried to ignore it and it eventually let up. The clock kept ticking and then it was time for us to leave to go line up for our wave to start. We were so excited...this is the first race (and probably last) that Debbie and I were going to run together and have a party. Because when it comes to racing...there are rules. You go out and give it your all. I don't run with anyone on race day...everyone out for themselves. On our way to the start line I munch on a pack of Honey Stingers and take a salt pill. 

We get to the start line and the excitement consumes us! It is AWESOME!! The gun goes off and we just do what we love...we run...we run into the wind. We had about a 25-30 mph constant headwind with gusts up to 40mph from the start. We slowed down our pace and just tried to embrace it all. Debbie had her GoPro on and started working the crowds. Like I said above, It was AWESOME!!!

Let me just say...the crowds...AMAZING. We started and it felt great. The energy in the air is amazing. We hit the mile 2 marker and the rain starts. Mile 3 comes around and I start looking for a bathroom...pregnancy bladder space! ;) I knew I had to keep my bladder empty because trying to hold it in and being pregnant equals a not good situation. So we found the Honey Buckets and all was well. Got a little cold having to stop but figured we would warm once we started back up...which we did! At this point I fueled with CarboPro and took some water in. Hydration was also going to be key for this baby during this race! And with the wind I knew I would need more salt than I felt like I was going to need so I took 2 salt pills too.

Miles times. We passed a man who has Muscular Dystrophy and wanted to complete the marathon. He ended up taking just under 20 hours to complete the race. CHAMPION!!! We laughed, we ran, we put our heads down and tried to ignore the rain coming down into our faces. We were very grateful we had visors.

Mile 6 moment comes...we smile for the cameras. And then I need to find another Honey Bucket. Stop and at the same time fuel with some more carbopro. At this point, I was feeling the wind. And not in a normal way. If anyone has raced in a strong headwind, it is tough. Your breathing patterns change and you use a lot more power trying to accomplish what should seem simple on a normal day. So we slowed our pace and just tried to take it all in.

Mile 7-9...stop to go to the bathroom again. I had gotten a few Braxton Hicks and tried to walk them off. This weather was putting a lot of stress on my body...which would be fine except right now it isn't my body. It is on loan for a little dude who will make his debut in no more than 8 short weeks from today!
Moments from the race!! Good memories!
Mile 10-11 I turn to Debbie and tell her that I am starting to feel pressure and I had to go to the bathroom again because of Braxton Hicks. I turn to the only other thing I know to do...I pray! I pray for help! I pray to know what to do! I pray for my body to take care of this baby! I pray for the wind and rain to stop so I can finish this race! I pray and pray again! I knew this day would be hard but at this moment when I stopped praying to listen to what my baby...was saying I knew this was going to be a whole new "HARD" that I had never experienced. Today was going to take me to a mental place that I never thought I would experience! I knew I had to Stop! I didn't want to stop! I never thought I would have to STOP...but I knew I had to. I turned to Debbie and she said..."Did you say a prayer?" And I looked at her and tears started to fill my eyes. And she knew too...I had to stop. She found some spectators on the side of the road that we started to talk to and they said they would take care of me and help me find the train. The train was 2 miles back down the road...I knew I could get there and I had to get there fast because I was shivering and I needed to get there and see Debbie cross the finish line. We hugged and at that moment I gave her my bib. I gave her the only piece of me I could in that moment to carry "me and my plus one" to the finish. To carry us that day where I couldn't!! And to help motivate her in moments where she wanted to stop because I knew they would come...we planned to do this together and were going to pull each other through and I couldn't. I felt like such a failure friend for a long time. I worried about her and prayed she would be strong and okay. I knew she would! She is one of the strongest people I know! She is an amazing friend, running partner and person! It was a dark moment to the train. My pride started to kick in and I had bi-polar moments of wanting to get back out there and finish. But that was all that finishing that race would calm my pride. I wasn't willing to put everything or my baby on the line because I am a prideful person. A policeman gave me an emergency blanket, I shed my long sleeve shirt that was soaking wet in an effort to try and not go into hypothermia. I got some water and tried to hydrate to help the hardness of my stomach go away! I called my husband and I was a wreck. I was bawling! I couldn't speak and at this point I was in a dark place...not finishing a race stinks!

I am so grateful for the wonderful people of Boston! They really love their runners! I was taken care of every moment of the way to the finish. I finally made it to call Debbie just as she was crossing the finish line. It was a joyous and tearful moment when I was able to give her a hug and tell her how proud of her that I was. She had a blast out there and there will be some awesome GoPro footage to come soon of that course. I am so grateful for everyone who has reached out to me and for all the kind words.  
Once we found each other at the finish!!
I know a lot of people out there think it is a dumb thing to even attempt a marathon being pregnant. I have done it before. The difference from last Monday to the times before was before my body told me it was okay to keep going and I knew everything would be okay. This wasn't the same! And heck...running is what I do. It is a true happy place for me. I have so many great bonding memories of running with my Mr. Squish who is now 15 months old. I am healthy, happy and while I am body comes first when I race. My body wasn't able to deal with all the elements of what last Monday threw at it...but I have great memories from that day. I had some great miles along that course and even though I didn't get a finisher medal...I will get an awesome medal in 2 months from now...a big, healthy baby boy...and once I am holding him in my arms...all those memories of last Monday and listening to my body will be even sweeter. And now when I put on that visor, or jacket, I have memories of the course, the day and how sometimes you need to look past the finish to a bigger picture and be okay with that!

What am I doing now? I am still running! I may just run to the hospital to give birth! I am continuing to listen to my body, my baby and celebrating health! Just because I didn't finish means I am defeated. I have moments that still sting but I still will do what I love! I will sweat and stay active and embrace the journey that I am on! I may have even had a little revenge run on my treadmill on Saturday where I finished that course just because I needed to for me! :) And I could control the elements and stop the belt for all my potty breaks!

People ask how the baby is doing! He is awesome because it never got bad enough that I put him in danger. I listened to the warning signs and stopped before he was even an issue. He is getting big, moving around a ton and loves to sit on my left hip or snuggle in my right rib, which also means a lot of discomfort for me for the next 8 weeks but I will take it!

Plus I will back to Boston in 2016 and I have some big goals. So now I have my eyes set on April 18, 2016 and me and that course, the hills of Newton, Heartbreak, Boston College and that corner of Hereford & Boylston will dance that day. And I can't wait!!! Until then, congrats to all my strong friends who conquered that day! Stay Boston Strong and keep doing what we love!! We Run together!


  1. I just have to tell you how much I admire you! Thank you for your inspirational blog! I hope/dream of going to Boston one day. Be thankful you had the opportunity to be there! Best wishes on the birth of your baby. Thank you for sharing your story!

    1. Thank you Jamie! You can get there! Boston is amazing! Just keep at it and if you ever need any direction, reach out and let us know! Best of luck with your training!



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