Boston: Recovering & Taking Away the Good

We went on The Daily Dish on Monday and were able to share our experience of Boston and how it has affected us. We know that we have been absent and want to thank Keri for doing all she did to keep up Discover Your Happy. The past few weeks have been very difficult. If you missed the segment, you can watch it by clicking the link below.

Words can’t express what happened at the Boston Marathon Finish Line on April 15, 2013. We are starting to be able to share our experience and chat about recovering and moving past the events of that day! There were many hard days and still we have our moments where tears can’t be stopped but what they have decided is to focus on the good of that day and try to build upon that. For all the bad that happened that day, there was twice as much good. Good people giving their time, opening their homes, giving blood, rushing to the side of those who were struggling or injured, countless messages and calls from friends, neighbors and family…all of these things counteract the bad things that happen all around us. One of our new sayings is forward & upward. 

We felt so much love from friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, YOU~!!!! We want to thank everyone for that! 

One article that we have found that has really helped us through out this time is one from the Boston Globe, Runners, the marathon matters. We quoted a few paragraphs when we went on the Daily Dish but here is one that we love.

"After two explosions rocked the 117th Boston Marathon on Monday, a runner was interviewed near the finish line. Asked how it felt to have completed the race, she paused and said that it didn't matter..."

We were in her shoes...for a moment nothing mattered and still find ourselves at times thinking that about Boston.

The story goes on to say this, "But of course it matters. It must. And not just finishing. For thousands more runners who were prevented from proceeding to Boylston Street, it mattered that they got as far as they did. It mattered that they lined up Monday morning at the Hopkinton start. It mattered that they trained in the first place. It all matters"

And it does matter!! Boston is amazing!! If it is your goal to get there...please keep pushing hard for that opportunity. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you achieve that goal. We will be back there in 2014...we have to, we must! So come join us!!!

The article then says, "In the best of circumstances, running a marathon is a punishing experience. But it is not one we normally associate with survivor guilt. Yet, its not unimaginable that some runners might feel as if their personal path to fulfillment has been cheated. This should not be confused with selfishness.

Now that the marathon has been overtaken by grave physical injury and unbearable loss, it may seem beside the point to take full measure of the psychic tragedy suffered by runners and their supporters. It certainly seems too soon. That's why it's especially essential for the runners to do whatever possible to preserve the experience as one they can be proud of, even as they recognize that the achievement will always be sullied by the unspeakable."

Our hearts and prayers still go out to all of those from that day. We still can't think of them without our eyes welling up with tears and feeling the emotion of that day. But that day cannot hold us back from our happy. From doing what we do that got us to that place! We need to remain strong. We need to remain positive. We need to remain healthy and active. We need to remember our goals and we forever will remember Boston! Boston Strong!!!

We know that some sort of healing comes through sharing. And we want to celebrate the good and hear other peoples experiences from that day! Whether you finished or you didn't, you accomplished something that day. Please share them with us!!! Share with us your journey that got you there. 


  1. Hi Ladies!
    I love this post. I'm sure you think I have been stalking you on IG and now your blog but I am drawn to your positivity.

    Boston has given me a new fire. I have been lifting and competed NPC bikini last year so I have neglected racing but lately all I can think about is how I must must must race and run like crazy. I don't know why Boston has affected me so much but I can't stop thinking about it. I even added an olympic distance tri and half ironman to my fitness bucket list. Am I crazy? yes!

    I am originally from Utah, my husband is active duty army, so reading your blog and IG's make me feel like I have a little piece of utah with me. Thanks for being such inspiring women, wives, and mothers.

    1. Ashley...thank you so much for all your kind words. I love that Boston has given you a new fire. It has given me that too. A new fire in all aspects of life. I love your craziness. You will love the half ironman distance...I know I do.

      Thank you again for following us and for just being so awesome! We love following you on IG too!!!



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