Your Relationship with FOOD!

This topic has been on our minds for some time. Let's talk about the biggest secret to a fit and healthy lifestyle...getting back to the basics! What do we mean? Proper balanced diet and exercise. It sounds simple, right? We live in a world that is always throwing new diets, studies and trends our way. Through it all here is what I have learned...

Let's start with an interesting conversation I have quite often with this one happening about 2 or so weeks before the St George Marathon. A very nutritionally minded person came up to me and said, "I need to know what you eat! I bet you never eat anything from a bakery! You must eat so "CLEAN"!" My reply must have really startled her...I said, "If I see a cookie, and I want a cookie, I eat a cookie. If I see a carrot and I want a carrot, I eat a carrot. If my body is telling me it needs bread, I look for carbs." For years I was one who got caught up in the latest trends and fads of diets. I went through so many phases: Vegetarian, focusing on calories, now go low fat, now everything fat free, cut out the carbs, only eat protein and veggies....and so on. One day I stopped and realized that I had a very BAD relationship with food. I saw fat as an enemy. I saw carbs as an evil thing. I would walk into a bakery or see a plate of cookies and because I had restricted my body from those things, of course, I immediately wanted them. Feelings of guilt and even fear of the food in general would come into my mind. It wasn't healthy people!!! Then I would focus on numbers.  I would weigh myself all the time trying to see a certain number or believing that a certain number defined how "healthy" I was. I felt I needed to be in a certain range of acceptance. I would even weigh myself several times a day...this is never a good thing! I would count calories and was so diligent at keeping those numbers in a certain range. I remember I wouldn't even eat an avocado because of the "fat" in it! I know Debbie went through a similar period of her life because we have had many conversations about health, diet and where we were and are now today!! Back to my story, one day I realized this had to stop! My relationship with food couldn't be about numbers anymore...I had to focus on what was happening inside more than what the numbers said on the outside. So I changed my thinking...I brought BALANCE back into my life.

I am not saying that numbers can not be a great way of seeing success in the beginning of a weight loss program...they are. These indicators are huge! However, realize that it is a means to an end. Soon you will see that number get smaller and smaller. You will even have days where the number goes not worry.  Through the process learn to listen to your will tell you what you need to do and what it needs! Right now in the fitness world, we are on a kick of clean eating, gluten-free, dairy free, etc. If this works for you, that is so great but do not forget about balance. Do not restrict yourself so much from these things that they become a burden. Go back to the basics and eat fruits, vegetables, etc. I love these things! And don't get me wrong, I am a very healthy eater. I love taking recipes and switching ingredients out to make it more healthy, in fact, I should post more of them! ;) However, I do not call myself a total clean eater because I haven't removed anything from my diet unless I have found my body doesn't tolerate it well. I hear too many people talking about how when they slip up and eat a brownie or cookie, they beat themselves up and feel like they need to start their "Program" of "clean eating" all over again! This is not healthy! DO NOT ever beat yourself up over FOOD! NEVER!! It is can be reversed and you will not become unfit because you had one or two bad days...even a bad week! Instead of striving for perfection on a specific program, strive for perfection in a balanced life. Everyday I am learning new things still! Food is to be enjoyed. Your body will find a size that it needs to be. Stay off the scale. Get in touch with your body and mind and help them get on the same page. You will be amazed at what happens when you start listening to what your body is telling you and find balance through that!

Right now I enjoy food! I feed my family and myself the things that our bodies need daily! I have found some foods that my body doesn't tolerate very well and have cut those out of my diet. I don't claim to be "anything" free. I strive for moderation and balance! I don't get on the scale anymore...In fact when I last got on the scale I was still 6 pounds heavier than before I had my last baby. This has never happened to me. The difference is I feel great so I don't care what the number says. I am running stronger and faster than ever before. I feel confident knowing my body is getting what it needs.

Do not get trapped by any of these trends that are around us. The most important thing you can do is remember that food is fuel...Your body will perform with whatever type of fuel you put in. Make wise choices for your body...but also for your mind. Keep a smart...have a good relationship with food, yourself and life and you are set!! Remember that strong is the new skinny! Balance is everything!!! Let's switch from clean to healthy and balanced! #takinghealthyback #backtothebasics

Take a moment and look at your relationship with what is around you! Do you have a healthy relationship with yourself? with food? with the goals you have set? Do you have balance? If not, what is it going to take to get back to that good spot? What does your body need? Find this out and run with it!!! If you have specific questions, let us know!


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