Cold Fighting Foods

Winter....gloomy, cold, wet, dark and here in Utah...bad air! So we result to whatever we can to keep our workout plans going and what could be worse to sideline your training besides a cold or even the flu? Our bodies have an immune system in place to help keep us healthy and fight against those cold/flu germs that are so easily passed this time of year. Here are a few foods that provide the nutrients your body needs to fuel these defense systems!

Almonds are packed with an amazing immune-boosting power couple, vitamin E and Manganese. Many athletes diets tend to be low in these nutrients and when we don't get enough it will result in a weaker immune system. In addition, they are also packed with protein, magnesium, zinc and so much more. Plus they have no cholesterol so you can feel good while consuming them knowing they are doing a lot of good for your body!

With just 80 calories per cup and virtually no fat, blueberries offer many noteworthy nutritional benefits. Blueberries are also packed with Vitamin C, which promotes a healthy immune system. Blueberries are also a great source for Manganese. Manganese plays an important role in bone development and in converting the proteins, carbohydrates and fats in food into to energy. Plus they have great antioxidants in them. These little berries really do pack a good punch of nutrition in every serving.
Some other great foods to put on your shopping list for the winter are: 100% Orange Juice, Avocado, Spinach, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Brocolli, Wheat Germ, Collard Greens, Steel Cut Oats, Garlic, Grapefruit and Yogurt.
In addition, here is a great recipe for an Immune-Boosting Smoothie!
Immune-Boosting Berry Almond Smoothie
1 C. Fresh or Frozen Berries
1 C. Plain Greek Yogurt
2 T. Almonds
2 T. Wheat Germ
1 T. Honey or Agave
1 t. Fresh Ginger (I used minced ginger from a jar! ;)
Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until nearly smooth.
This recipe Serves 2.
Calories per serving: 204  Carbs: 28G Fiber: 4G Protein: 10G Fat: 7G
Now tell us what foods you like eating during the winter months? Any favorite comfort foods? 


  1. Can't wait to try the smoothie recipe! What else do you use wheat germ for?

  2. Wheat Germ can be added to anything where you want a boost of nutrients. Try adding a spoonful when making breads, pancakes, muffins, waffles, etc. You can also sprinkle and mix it into yogurt and cottage with some fruit and you have a great snack that is full of nutrients.



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