The Mental Games: Tips for Winning it!!!

I heard once that endurance sports (running specifically) was 2 things: 1) Putting one foot in front of the other 2) Having the mental strength to keep doing it when it gets tough.

I wish it were just that simple. I myself am going through some mental struggles...brain is tired! But it is totally normal! The mental side of racing and working out is so huge...even on this 21 day sugar detox we are mind plays games with me!! It has been proven that mental fatigue definitely will negatively impact your physical performance. The challenge then comes when your body thinks that it can not do what is physically in front of you....but you can! We just need to find or train our minds to change the thought process and help your body realize it can handle what you are about to do or already doing! REFOCUS....that is a big key!! Here are a few tips to help you be able to do just that:

  1. Restate and remind yourself of your goals. If you can't answer why you are working out or what you are wanting to accomplish, you won't last long. If you haven't already, set goals, sign up for a race or figure out what you want to achieve by doing what you are doing! Keep a log of your workouts, the reasons you are doing them and the way you felt after!!

  2. Be Flexible. Be aware that life happens, as it should. Don't beat yourself up if you don't get your workout in exactly when and how you wanted it to happen. Have a back-up plan and even if that fails, get down on the floor in your spare time, do some sit-ups and work on your stretching and strengthening. Then start all over the next day and try to get it in!

  3. Turn up the music!! I have some great conversations with myself on some solo runs. But there are those days where if I think, I will stop, therefore, I turn up the music and I just go for it and hash it out however I can. Music can be a huge motivator for me! Even if I turn on my music before a workout or while driving to the gym, I seem to be more pumped up and ready to go then if I would have just been listening to my own thoughts!

  4. Call a Friend. This is where training partners come in play again! When I run with my friends, or even hit the gym with them, it gives me a mental timeout. We laugh, we chat, we is fun!!! I know for me, my running & gym friends help to continue to motivate me each day!!

All of these things will help you to Manage the Moment!! Let's just be honest...every workout, bike ride or run is not going to be great. When the negative thoughts start coming in your mind, stop the debate going on in your head. Remember how you feel at the end of a workout....tired but GREAT!!! Remember how you feel at the end of a race when you have pushed it and left everything out there...tired but GREAT!!! Realize the greatness that you feel when you push your body to the limits. In the moment, your body will revolt and try and convince you to quit. Don't QUIT!! Overcome the will be grateful in the long run!!

One other thing  that I did as I was getting ready for Ironman St George is go over scenarios in my head. For example, when my legs started to burn on the bike climbing up "the Wall" as we call it, what would I do? Was I going to get off my bike and stop....NO!! I would prepare myself what to tell my body in that moment. When I would start to panic in the swim because I just got swam over the top of...would I stop! NO! Mentally prepare yourself now to not quit. Know you won't! If you train your mind to overcome, it will! However, on the flip side, if you don't worry about the mental side at all and don't train your body to keep going despite what your mind tries to tell you, 9 times out of 10...our bodies will listen to what our minds tell it!

Be mentally strong!! Train hard with your bodies, and equally as hard with your mind!! This 21 days of giving up things that I love is great for me!! It is showing my mind that I am in control...

What is one thing you do to motivate yourself on days
when motivation is no where to be found???


  1. Music is a big motivator for me too. In fact, I like the idea of listening to music before you get ready to workout. It would definitely help to pump me up. Thanks for this!

    1. I love music too!! Where do you workout out? What is your favorite form of exercise.

    2. I go to the rec center by my house. Do you have any suggestions for a good training plan. I am going to do my first half marathon in July after just having a baby...2 days ago?

    3. I will have Keri reply to this...she just came back from a baby and will have some good suggestions. I will have some in a few months... :) Well...maybe a year or so!

  2. I know that getting enough sleep helps me fight off the mental battles more. It seems when I am tired, I don't have the strength to want to fight back. Sleep is important.

    Boulder, CO

    1. Sleep is huge...I can always feel when I am lacking! Sleep definitely plays a roll with my mental toughness!



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