Hate Running? Here are a few things to try...

You probably groaned just reading the title of this post...but we both used to be exactly the same way. We used to not like running...surprised??? Here are a few habits or practices that we came up with that may help.

However, before we get into that, let's just make a note that running hurts! Some runs are still "unenjoyable" for us and the first few miles are always hard to get through. Most people who say they don't run have never got comfortable running past the first 2-3 miles.  Be consistent, try these habits and see if running is for you! And if you are already a runner and need to switch things up, you could try a few too. Remember that runners who are consistent with good habits have the most success.

And along with these few tips...MOST IMPORTANT...find a good partner in crime! Having a good friend to run or workout with is key! You have someone who is always waiting for you and someone to be accountable to!

1) Become a Morning Runner.

Embrace the early morning hours! Studies actually show that morning runners are more productive  and tend to make healthier choices during the day. Plus, how many times do life obligations get in the way during the day...for us, more often than not. Life is busy so we know if we get up in the morning we will get what we need to done. Put running first on your agenda and sacrifice a little sleep! We promise that if you start early in the morning you will get hooked on the feeling of having accomplished so much before others are awake, as well as enjoy the extra energy that comes from the rush of morning endorphins!

If you are wondering if you can do this...test the waters. Try doing this a few days a week and see if it benefits you at all. Be sure you set your clothes and stuff out the night before so your morning isn't as hectic and to eliminate an excuse in the morning. And then give it time...all habits are hard at first. And morning runs aren't for everyone, so re-evaluate after a month or so!

2) Strength Train Regularly.
We currently do strength training/lifting at least twice a week. This practice is SO important!  Building muscle has proven to improve your health, reduce the risk of injury and will improve your running performance. Who doesn't want this? Yep! Sign us all up!

How do you get started? You can easily design your own program by choosing 2 days a week that you dedicate to strength training...or at least an hour/2 days a week. Pick 2 exercises for each of your major muscle groups: Upper Body, Core and Lower Body. Repeat these  for a week or two and then pick new exercises and repeat! Do 10-12 reps of each exercise and then go through each muscle group 3-4 times during each session. We have also done some posts on good exercises for endurance athletes. Be sure to check them out too!

3) Cross Train!
Since I have taken up Triathlon training, my run has improved significantly. Switching up the workouts and gaining strength in different disciplines will only benefit your running and mind! Workouts like biking & swimming can boost your fitness without the impact stress of running. However, if you are having a hard time fitting in 3-4 runs each week, then stick with that and don't add anything on the other days as to not overwhelm you! And the major key to cross training is to go with a type of workout that mimics running, such as cross country skiing, skiing or pool running. Or if overall fitness is your goal, choose something more like swimming and cycling.

4) Eat from your Fridge & Home.
You are starting new healthy habits, make your diet a key one. Items from your fridge, such as fruit and vegetables, are usually lower in calories and packed with nutrients!! They both have high quality carbohydrates that will power your workouts. And then try and have meals at home. Restaurants tend to pack extra calories, fat, sugar and sodium in their dishes...be careful of this. When you prepare at home you have more control and can make sure your body is getting exactly what it needs.

Remember, a runner needs to EAT to RUN. If you Run to eat...change your thinking!!

5) Unplug on the Run Once a Week.
Technology is great for tracking paces, distance, etc. However, always worrying about the numbers can get exhausting. Turn your watch off, give yourself an hour and just run. Don't care about how far or how fast. Listen to your body and just enjoy every step. Try unplugging from your music too. You will gain a new appreciation of everything around you and will connect and clear your head better. Embrace for a moment being in the moment, celebrating health and being unreachable!!

6) Don't Overdo It.
Moderation. Anything that is done is excess becomes a pain! Be sure to take rest days. This will help with your mental state and help you avoid injury. Take us for example, we push sometimes too hard and running injuries are the best at sneaking up on you. So avoid this by taking rest days. Also, be sure to take an easy day...EASY!!! On recovery or easy days, it is easy to push the envelope because you feel good. DON'T!! Do just what you set out to do...have an easy workout day. Your body will love you for it when it comes to a hard workout day!

These are a few things that help us! But it is all about forming new habits...and remember that once they are ingrained, they become automatic!

Few tips with forming habits:
1) Remember Why! Write down the benefits you will gain and look at them through out the process.
2) Schedule Goals. Block in time on whatever calendar you use for your new practice or behavior.
3) Talk about it. Ask people to hold you accountable..and to join in if you want!
4) Out with the old, in with the new. Remove triggers for bad habits and replace them with new ones.

In the end, you will not be able to measure habits or running in general with a clock or scale. It has to be an internal thing and you have to love how you feel! Love your body! Love what you are able to do! Celebrate the little successes and enjoy the journey with all the setbacks!

What helps you keep on task each week?
We want to hear from you!!!


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