Running in the Spring Rain...Tips to keeping DRY-er!!

I have never ran a race in a down pour of spring rain before. I have ran in drizzles and what not, but never a constant downpour. It is funny...we will run in 0 degree temps, snow up to our mid calf, hot days, icy days, etc. but when it is raining out, I will opt out for the treadmill. Saturday, none of us had that option. The rain kept coming down and showed no signs for stopping!! Our alarms went off and we all moaned when we listened to the pitter patter of rain drops outside...none of us knew what to wear. With temps around 50 degrees we knew that it would be warm running...warm but wet. Do you layer? Run in capris or shorts? This was our dilemma. I finally decided to run in shorts, tank, arm warmers and thinner long sleeve. I wore gloves and a visor...those were givens.

Here are a few other things we did the morning of to help keep us dryer before the soaking of the race began. This way we started the race warm and weren't shivering with wetness before the gun went off!!

1. Cover your shoes with grocery sacks. This will keep your feet as dry as possible before the race starts so your feet aren't cold when you begin running!

2. Take a Black Garbage sack and use it as a poncho. This way if you get hot you can just chuck the garbage bag and you will still be somewhat dry. Or purchase a cheap poncho that you can chuck...the last thing you want to be doing is carrying rain gear during a race!

3. Cover your hair with a shower cap. Just find the cheap, plastic ones and throw it over your hair. Then your hair is dry starting the race. Leave it on as long as you want to help keep the rain off.

4. Disposable Arm Warmers. Buy some cheap knee high socks from the store. Cut off the toe and then cut a small hole in where the heel of the sock is. This will give you arm warmers that are cheap and you won't feel bad chucking them off to the side of the road if they are not needed anymore.

5. Shorts vs. Capris. We decided to run in shorts. Why? We figured whatever we wore on the bottom was going to get soaking wet eventually. So we chose shorts because there is less fabric that would get soaking wet. If the temps allow for it, in the rain, the less clothing and layers, the better. Skin dries faster than wet clothes and can be wiped off. I know you can't tell but in the picture below...our clothes are soaking wet and we were all shivering but had to stop for a picture! :)

6. Have warm clothes or a towel waiting for you at the finish line. While the temps that day were great for running, the problem of being cold came once we stopped. We were wet, and the air was cold and pretty soon our lips and teeth were chattering. So have warm clothes or something waiting for you so you can get out of your wet clothes and enjoy waiting and cheering on friends. Also, an umbrella is nice because once you are dry it will keep you that way!!

Here are a few other random things to consider also:

  • Do not wear cotton: Cotton can be very comfortable. However, for running or working out in general, especially in the rain, cotton shirts, shorts, socks, basically cotton anything soaks up water quickly, becoming heavy and ends up being very uncomfortable. Stick to wicking materials and finish your outfit with a waterproof top layer.

  • Wear old shoes:  Shoes can take days to completely dry out, and rain usually comes with mud. And I do not like to get my shoes dirty. However, if it happens, just thrown your shoes in the washer and let them air dry.

  • Protect your eyes: Wear a hat or visor will help keep the rain from pelting your eyes during your run. Even if you prefer not to wear one, try it! Keeping your eyes dry while on the move is essential to seeing the road and unexpected obstacles. And will allow for a more enjoyable experience. Who knows, you may want to even try sporting some sunglasses!

  • Be seen: If you're running on a road, not in a race, please be sure to wear some sort of reflective gear so drivers can spot you through the showers and grayness! And remember, even with reflective or bright gear, it's best to run defensively...don't ever assume a car or driver can see you! Be safe!!

  • Modify your workout: Shorten your stride slightly and relax! Don't tense up because of the rain! It is what it is so just put one foot in front of the other and go for it!

  • Don't forget the Body Glide. To prevent chafing because of wet clothes rubbing, spread Body Glide or Vaseline on parts of your body where you would normally chafe or get blisters. Good areas to consider would be your feet, inner thighs, underarms, sports bra lines (women), and nipples (men).

  • I love that Spring is here!! It means more outside runs in pretty weather with less layers and freezing temps! But showers come with spring!! Don't let your outdoor runs and especially races be ruined because of weather. Don't be afraid of the rain, like I was on Saturday!! Take these few simple tips, make some adjustments to your normal routine and you'll be on your way to a great run, come rain or shine!!!

    What do you do for a rainy run?
    Any other tips???

    On a total side note, one other thing we learned Saturday...beware of Earbuds!! Debbie came up to me after the race and she said, "Jess I think I have an earbud in my ear!" I said, "Oh Deb..I think your ears are just frozen!" She kept saying that it hurt so I looked further in her ear and what did I see...One little earbud staring at me!! I was shocked! When we got back to the house to put warm clothes on, we also pulled out the tweezers and did an Earbudectomy to remove the runner piece from her ear!!


    1. That race was so cold! Sad I couldn't be with you guys at any of these moments :) We could've commiserated together!

    2. It was so much fun being there with you amazing runners!! So happy we did it and what a memorable race :)



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