Girls on The Run

Have you ever heard of the organization Girls on the Run? It is an amazing Non-Profit Organization that is available whose mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.

Girls on the Run promotes physical, emotional, social and intellectual development in 3rd through 8th grade girls. The girls complete the 12-week program with a stronger sense of identity, greater self-confidence, a healthier body image and a better knowledge of what it means to be a member of a team and a community.

 Girls on the Run honors its core values which are:

· Recognize our power and responsibility to be intentional in our decision making
· Embrace our differences and find strength in our connectedness
· Express joy, optimism and gratitude through our words, thoughts and actions
· Nurture our physical, emotional and spiritual health
· Lead with an open heart and assume positive intent
· Stand up for ourselves and others

A few of their key words that align with our core values:  Empowerment, Diversity,  Responsibility, Gratitude, Joy, Compassion.

Who would not want to develop these qualities in themselves, let alone their daughters. I had the opportunity to work with Girls on the Run and run with some girls as a mentor. It was an awesome experience! Helping these girls push through and finish their first 5K and seeing what an accomplishment it was for them was amazing!

The program is available in select schools throughout the state of Utah and all over the country. Currently, they are opening schools in the Alpine School District and looking for coaches.  Coaches may be school staff members, teachers, nurses, guidance counselors, principals, and paraprofessionals, as well as parents and community members. Because Girls on the Run provides an all-inclusive curriculum, it’s not essential that coaches be runners, but they do need to be caring and compassionate role models. Coaches must attend Coaches and CPR Training on Saturday February 23.  If you are interested, please visit their website 

 They currently are in need for coaches at the following locations: 

Deerfield Elementary
Principal - Todd Dalley
4353 W Harvey Blvd Cedar Hills, Ut 84062 

Pony Express Elementary
Principal - Vicki Smith
3985 E. Smith Rand Rd., Eagle Mountain, UT 84005

Rocky Mountain Elementary
Principal - Michelle Stephenson
55 S 500 E Lindon, Ut 84042

If you are interested, please contact them and get involved. We love this program and know that running has helped benefit our lives by being healthier. A healthier me is a happier me! Running is a great way I have learned to deal with stress….which we all need! I love running with my brings everything I love altogether and is a way I can help them be active and healthy!! 

Girls on the Run is a great program to have available in communities everywhere! If you are not in Utah, visit and see if there is a chapter located close to you!
How has running and being active helped you?
Is running something you do with your children?


  1. What a great program! I need to see if they havee one located by me!



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